How to Do

Video Prospecting

Convert more of your prospects by sending personalized sales videos.

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What is video prospecting?

Video prospecting is when sales reps send their leads and prospects short, personalized videos. A prospecting video should introduce yourself and your product or service. You can send prospecting videos as a link over email. You can also share prospecting videos in messages on LinkedIn and Twitter.

How to make prospecting videos:

Step 1: Record

From the Tella recorder turn on your camera and then press “Start recording”. Record a short introduction explaining who you are and how your product or service helps. Remember to say your prospect’s name and business so that it’s super clear the video is personal and intended just for them.

Step 2: Customise

Once you’ve recorded your clip you can add additional personalization like a custom background which includes their name, business logo, or even your own branding.

Step 3: Share or Download

When you’re done editing, press “Finish”. To share your video over email, click “Share” and select the email option. Copy the animated gif thumbnail and paste it into your email client. To share your video over LinkedIn, just copy the video link and paste it in your message.


Is video prospecting effective?

Video prospecting can improve email open rates, email click-through rates, and conversions. Including the term “video” in your subject line can boost open rates because recipients won’t be used to seeing things like “I made a short video for you” in their inbox. Adding a bright, colourful, animated gif in your email can improve click-through rates because it’s more interesting than a plain link (or no link at all!). Selling is about creating trust, and the more present you are throughout the process, the easier it is to build a relationship with your lead.

How do you scale a video for prospecting?

To scale your prospecting videos first create a script for your pitch. Then work out which parts of the pitch can be standardised — these are the parts you don’t need to repeat for each prospect. A good example of this is a product demo. Then record a clip for the standardised part of your pitch. You’re going to use this standard clip for each prospecting video combined with a personalised clip, like an introduction. This approach means each video takes less time because you’re reducing a lot of repetitive work.

How long should my prospecting video be?

Short. Your prospects are busy and have better things to do than read long emails or watch boring videos. Aim to keep your videos under one minute long.

Try Tella today!

Tella is packed with powerful features. So you can make great content from quick videos.

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Try Tella today!

Tella is packed with powerful features. So you can make great content from quick videos.

7-day free trial — no credit card required