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Video transitions
Video transitions

Keep it moving

Get viewers engaged with camera & screen transitions.

What are transitions?

Transitions are the animations that connect scenes or shots, facilitating smooth changes in camera & screen views. They help maintain viewer engagement, ranging from simple cuts for direct scene changes to fades and wipes for more nuanced storytelling. Transitions serve both aesthetic and functional purposes, ensuring a seamless viewing experience.

Why use transitions?

Transitions help make videos easy to watch and understand. They're like bridges in a story, taking you smoothly from one part to another. For example, in a how-to video, a transition might move us from talking about materials (camera view) to showing how to use them (screen view). They keep things flowing and interesting, making sure the video doesn't feel static.

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How do you add transitions to your video?

After you've recorded your video in Tella, click on 'Layouts' in the right sidebar, then select the moment of your video to add a change in layout (how your screen and/or camera looks) and click 'Add layout'.

Once you've added a layout, click on 'Edit layout transitions' to select the transition effect. By default, every new layout has a smooth transition set.

What is the most common video transition?

The most common video transition is the "hard cut." It's the most straightforward way to move from one scene to another, instantly changing from one shot to the next without any special effects. This transition is widely used across all types of videos, from movies and documentaries to tutorials and vlogs, because of its simplicity and effectiveness in maintaining a fast-paced narrative or quickly shifting the viewer's focus.

What are popular transitions?

Beyond the classic cut, several popular transitions keep videos engaging and dynamic:

  • Ease In/Out: These mimic the way objects move in real life, starting slowly, picking up speed, and then slowing down again before stopping.

  • Fade to Black/Fade In: Often used to signify the beginning or end of a scene or the entire video. It can convey a passage of time or a change in mood.

  • Cross Dissolve: This transition gradually blends the end of one scene with the beginning of the next. It's great for showing connections or transitions in time and place.

  • Wipe: Moves one scene off the screen while bringing in the next. It can be horizontal, vertical, or even diagonal, adding a dynamic feel to scene changes.

  • Zoom In/Out: These transitions can either bring the audience closer to or further from the subject matter, often used to focus attention or reveal context.

What is a transition in a PowerPoint slide?

In PowerPoint, a transition is a visual effect that occurs when you move from one slide to the next during a presentation. It can range from a simple fade, where one slide gradually gives way to the next, to more elaborate animations like wipes, where the new slide pushes the old one off the screen, or even eye-catching effects like 3D cube rotations.

Can Google Slides do transitions?

Yes, Google Slides supports transitions between slides. Similar to PowerPoint, you can choose from a variety of transitions, such as fade, slide, and dissolve, to smoothly move from one slide to the next.

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